Summer holidays in Australia and it has been a real scorcher of a week. As I need to get some preparation for the school year happening I am still playing with IoT here, even if it’s a little bit harder working away from home.
I’ve been playing with NodeMCU a bit more, because it has the obvious benefit of built-in WiFi, so once configured it just needs power and a network connection and you have data logging.
As noted in my previous post, Xively is no longer providing free hosting, so I need to find other options. A bit of hacking and some examples online and I have temperature logging being pushed to ThingSpeak. I’ve put the board outside plugged into a USB phone charger and am using a phone hotspot to provide internet connectivity. Proof-of-concept done!
Feed is here:

Currently it’s dropped a little to just 35 °C, cooling off a bit!
Edit: Now back at home, and it is inside so a bit cooler!